PROJECT 7: Wiring the Electrical Components

In this project, you will install the secondary power switch, the power LEDs (light emitting diodes) and plug the PWM leads into the receiver.

Part 5: Installing the Receiver

Next, you'll be plugging the PWM leads into the receiver and securing the cables with cable ties. Make sure to get the polarities right, or you could cause damage to the PWM signal driver cables.

click on an image to enlarge it


Plug the secondary power LED and secondary power switch into the receiver. It doesn't matter what channel you plug these items into because power runs to every channel. You should not plug them into channels 1 or 2 because that's where your speed controls are going. 


Plug the speed control cables into channels 1 and 2. When running IFI speed controls and R/C equipment, make sure to order the IFI PWM signal driver cable. It's not required for all R/C equipment, but it won't hurt. Be careful when plugging the PWM signal driver leads into the receiver. Since they're not polarized, you can easily plug them in backwards.
  Usually, it's a good idea to label the PWM leads at both ends with small number tape made by 3M. You may have to renumber them later on if the steering is reversed, so you can hold off labeling until the road test. In the meantime, you can put a temporary piece of masking tape on both ends of one of the PWM signal driver cables.

Make sure to bundle the ridiculously long signal driver cables with cable ties, and provide adequate strain relief for the PWM cables. I usually use a ton of cable ties, as shown. Leave enough slack so that you can swap receiver channels, if necessary.


